First two shows

Ok, so i moved from the Abbey Lodge which had cows outside it to the center of town today. I’m in Edinburgh University housing, with a lovely friend from NY, Danusia, and about 7 flat mates. This place is like an efficiency model for pod people. Feels like a spacious airplane cabin, bathroom too. Really different, all molded airtight plastic. It’s charm is what we brought with us. My flatmates are lovely, and though i miss the cows, its nice to be a few blocks from opur venue, the Rabbie Burns. A bit about that. The staff of Rabbie Burns have been so lovely, unbelievably accomodating. They even let me put my poster on the sign above their shoppe. It was their idea!!!

Ok im stalling. It can’t be all be sunshine up the bum. The first two shows were rough. On one hand i was amazed we even made it through considering how little rehearsal time we had, and no tech. Being unprepared because there’s not enough time or money is a terrible feeling. I mean a sick to your stomach feeling. But all things for a reason. The help i’m getting here on how to present better is outstanding from Calvin’s team. Kati Hind gave great edits after seeing show number one, and jessica had excellent notes after show 2 which was toniqht. My feeling is two clicks to the right and we’ll have a great show. Asking for help is so hard, isnt it? But getting it is amazing. And the largest theatre festival in the world seems to be teaming with the kind of help i want and need.

Graham and i played a show friday night at this GORGEOUS venue called the Voodoo Rooms, the Voodoo Review produced by JuLie-ann Laidlaw, and hosted by Desmond. I could kick my own pants i didn’t have my camera. You could believe the show without actually seeing it. I know all my ukulele friends would have loved it and fit right in. Proud to have been a part.

This friday we’ve been invited to play the New Town Bar. I’ll let you know how that goes. Sweet place on Dublin Street.

Funny, for each of my first two shows i teases the hell out of an audience member, and they turned out to be reviewers. We’ll see how that bodes…

There’s so much more to tell, it’s been raining for three days, every little thing is different, ive nearly been killed by wrong way traffic, they have haggis in the grocery stores, my bank card doesn’twork at atms for some reason, and don’t eat the sandwiches from poundstretchers. Seriously.

Out for now, more eciting blogs after rest. Xoxoxox d

3 Responses to “First two shows

  • poundstretchers? wtf?

  • it sounds like you are having an amazing journey! So honest and so rough… just like art… which is just like life! You are like tinkerbell, i am clapping right now for you! sending you rock n roll vibes

    • Liam, this is really sweet. I’m clapping for you too. Please stay in touch, let me know what wonderful art you’re up to.

      Your Fan,


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